Mariposa Hotel

swimming pool, Nogales, AZ, United States


Latest Feedback

    "The service was excellent. The doorman was friendly. The girls at the bar were helpful and friendly as well. The 4 stars is because the table we played on was wonky and the cues were old and beat up. I liked all the TV’s playing sports and the crowd was cool. A variety of ages which I like. The women’s bathroom was clean for a sports bar. I have had food on prior occasions and it hit the spot. The pricing is fair for everything. Overall, I really enjoyed this spot and will hang here again"

    "Worst apartment I’ve lived in. If you are considering living here please read this pros and cons list. Pros: 1) Staff at first were nice and accommodating for us when touring and before moving in (makes sense considering how poorly the rest of your time living there is) 2) Unfortunately this is the only pro I could really come up with. Most of the staff are very polite and do offer to listen, but I’m not sure if there’s a deeper issue as to why many of the cons on this list couldn’t have been addressed when we lived here. Cons: 1)Broken stove top when first moved in that took 3-4 days to replace/fix 2) Hot water is not consistent and Shower/Bath water temperature completely fluctuates and will never be in the middle (Extremely cold or burning hot). This was never fixed during our lease. 3) Apartment was poorly cleaned before us moving in and several thumbtacks, wall paint, dead bugs, and random crumbs were found under closer inspection in deep corners of cabinets and closets. 4) Speaking of bugs, cockroaches, fruit flies, and ants are ALWAYS going to be in your apartment especially during the night. Their pest control DOES NOT WORK. This was by far the worst issue because even though we cleaned consistently and kept windows/balcony closed, bugs would still be in our apartment. 5) No Noise Control. From the emergency response vehicles and loud cars that typically drive on the roads right next to the building, the streets nearby are never quiet. This does not even include the other ambient sound in the building from neighbors. The ceiling and walls have barely any sound proofing and if you don’t hear people running or talking in the hallway outside, you’ll DEFINITELY hear every footstep your neighbor makes upstairs. This was not a concern for us during the day but at night you soon realize that getting quiet peaceful sleep is not an option here. 6) Pool and gym were not open when we first moved in. Pool was opened later in the lease but pool and jacuzzi are never maintained and water was consistently dirty and filled with bird poop. The Geese family that lived in the middle courtyard would be on my pros but they pretty much made the pool and jacuzzi their home and bathroom. 7) Laundry Room was not properly cleaned or maintained by residents and/or cleaning service. You share a single laundry room with hundreds of other residents. If this isn’t already obvious how this is bad, let me explain further. Not only are the laundry machines extremely outdated and a majority of them are non-functional, other laundry users have even touched and I’ve lost some of my clothing (i was never more than 8 minutes late to the end of my washing/drying cycles). I felt extremely uncomfortable the 2 times this happened to me and I reported these incidents to Highlander. The only thing they seemed to do was just send out a text message to the community. I never got any resolution from that experience or recovered my missing clothing. 8) Exit Garage gate would be broken and propped open every other month and the entry garage has a system that is outdated and doesn’t work half the time. 9) Building is not completely closed to public (I would be scared if my family lived here with me). Including the garage, there are other broken doors/propped open doors that are around the building that pretty much give anyone open access to the community. There was an intoxicated man (not sure if he was a resident or homeless) who would consistently smoke cigarettes and drink inside the interior stairs close to our unit. We along with many other residents reported this to Highlander and I think after a couple weeks we never saw him again. But the fact that this guy had the opportunity to smoke and drink indoors, walk around the community clearly intoxicated, litter beer cans and cigarettes in common areas, and fall asleep on the stairs or in the elevator proves that this community will have times where it feels unsafe. Conclusion: There are better apartments than this one."

    "Great place to go for a walk alone with your thoughts or take your kids for one. People friendly and the ambience is one of calm and serenity.."


How to go there
